motulator: Motor Drive and Grid Converter Simulator in Python#
This open-source software includes simulation models and control methods for electric machine drives and grid converter systems. The machine models include an induction machine, a synchronous reluctance machine, and a permanent-magnet synchronous machine. For modeling grid converter systems, various subsystem models are provided, such as an LCL filter connected to an inductive-resistive grid.
The system models are simulated in the continuous-time domain while the control methods run in discrete time. The default solver is the explicit Runge-Kutta method of order 5(4) from scipy.integrate.solve_ivp. A number of control methods are provided as examples. The example methods aim to be simple yet feasible.
Getting Started
System Models
Control Methods
Class Reference
This project has been sponsored by ABB Oy and by the Research Council of Finland Centre of Excellence in High-Speed Electromechanical Energy Conversion Systems. The example control methods included in this repository are based on published algorithms (available in textbooks and scientific articles). They do not present any proprietary control software.