DC Bus#

A dynamic model for a capacitive direct current (DC) bus of the converter is provided in gritulator.model.dc_bus._dc_bus. An external current source is feeding the DC bus that is modeled considering an equivalent circuit comprising a parallel connected DC bus capacitor and resitor. The model is implemented as

(1)#\[\frac{\mathrm{d}\boldsymbol{u}_\mathrm{dc}}{\mathrm{d} t} = \frac{1}{C_\mathrm{dc}}(i_\mathrm{ext} - i_\mathrm{dc} - G_\mathrm{dc}u_\mathrm{dc})\]

where \(u_\mathrm{dc}\) is the DC bus voltage, \(i_\mathrm{ext}\) is the external DC current, \(i_\mathrm{dc}\) is the converter DC current, \(C_\mathrm{dc}\) is the DC bus capacitance, and \(G_\mathrm{dc}\) is the conductance of the parallel resistor. The converter DC current is calculated from the converter phase currents and switching states as

(2)#\[i_\mathrm{dc} = q_\mathrm{a} i_\mathrm{a} + q_\mathrm{b} i_\mathrm{b} + q_\mathrm{c} i_\mathrm{c}\]
Diagram of DC bus model

DC-bus model.#