
After Installation, motulator can be used by creating a continuous-time system model, a discrete-time controller, and a simulation object, as shown below. A 2.2-kW induction motor drive with a sensorless vector controller is used as an example.

# Import packages
import numpy as np
from import model  # Drive system models
import as control  # Controllers for IMs
from import (
   plot,  # Example plotting functions
   InductionMachinePars, InductionMachineInvGammaPars)  # Helper classes

# Continuous-time model for the drive system
par = InductionMachineInvGammaPars(
   n_p=2, R_s=3.7, R_R=2.1, L_sgm=.021, L_M=.224)
mdl_par = InductionMachinePars.from_inv_gamma_model_pars(par)
machine = model.InductionMachine(mdl_par)
mechanics = model.StiffMechanicalSystem(J=.015)
converter = model.VoltageSourceConverter(u_dc=540)
mdl = model.Drive(converter, machine, mechanics)

# Discrete-time controller
par = InductionMachineInvGammaPars(  # Machine model parameter estimates
   n_p=2, R_s=3.7, R_R=2.1, L_sgm=.021, L_M=.224)
cfg = control.CurrentReferenceCfg(par, max_i_s=1.5*np.sqrt(2)*5)
ctrl = control.CurrentVectorControl(par, cfg, J=.015)

# Acceleration at t = 0.2 s and load torque step of 14 Nm at t = 0.75 s
ctrl.ref.w_m = lambda t: (t > .2)*2*np.pi*50
mdl.mechanics.tau_L = lambda t: (t > .75)*14

# Create a simulation object, simulate, and plot example figures
sim = model.Simulation(mdl, ctrl)

The Examples section includes a variety of different example scripts to run the simulation. System model and controller configurations can be changed as shown in the examples. Furthermore, new features can be added by modifying the source code.